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How to manage two-step verification settings

 It has become necessary to enable your WhatsApp two step verification to prevent unlawful entry. To do this you can manage two-step verification settings in your WhatsApp account. You have the option to enable or disable this feature, change the PIN or update the email address associated with two-step verification.

Enable two-step verification

  1. Open WhatsApp Settings.
  2. Tap Account > Two-step verification > Enable.
  3. Enter a six-digit PIN of your choice and confirm it.
  4. Provide an email address you can access or tap Skip if you don’t want to add an email address. We recommend adding an email address as this allows you to reset two-step verification, and helps safeguard your account.
  5. Tap Next.
  6. Confirm the email address and tap Save or Done.
If you don’t add an email address and you forget your PIN, you’ll have to wait 7 days before you can reset your PIN. Since we don’t verify this email address to confirm its accuracy, make sure you provide an accurate email address you can access.



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